Designing a feather flag
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This blog discusses the question you should take into account when purchasing beach flags. Which model and format is suitable for your purpose? Which foot/base is convenient to use? We also discuss the design of a beach flag. How should I design a beach flag and which print is most appealing?
Feather flag Design: What should I take into account?
A feather flag or beach flag is a flexible, accessible and friendly priced product to put your message, product, brand or service in the spotlight. In many ways the ideal company flag. But there are a few things you should pay close attention to when designing a beach flag. For example, the legibility, the use of colour, the layout, the shape and size of the logos. In this article, we show what the most important points of attention are when designing a beautiful and functional beach flag.
Choose the model and size
Creating a beach flag naturally starts with choosing the right model and size. When it comes to sizes, you can choose from XS, S, M and L, depending on how big, prominent and striking your flag needs to be. The next step is to choose the model that best fits your message. For example, the beach flag Flying with its droplet shape is ideal for displaying company logos or compact slogans, while the Shark is the perfect model for displaying elongated logos or texts. Are you looking for a beach flag that offers a lot of space for extra printing or large photos? Then the Block and Straight are the best options.
The foot/base of the feather flag
The advantage of beach flags is that their compactness makes them easy to transport and install. But it is important that you choose the right foot. Every surface has different requirements. Different feet are therefore available for every surface and application. You can secure a ground pin in soft ground. Think for example of soils such as grass and sand. With a parasol base, you can place the feather flag both indoors and outdoors firmly on a flat surface.
Creating the design
The message and final printing are of course the most important parts of the beach flag. Although you are the one who decides what will eventually be on the flag, there are a few tips to give for a design with maximum impact.
- Try to keep the message short, powerful and catchy. Most passers-by will not take the time to read a lengthy text on a flag. The saying 'less is more' certainly applies to a good beach flag.
- Try to be creative with space. By cutting off a text or image and letting it fall partly outside the edges, you stimulate the reader's brain and imagination.
- Use recognisable elements such as your company logo and house colours. Match the style and dimensions to the model of the beach flag.
- Pay attention to the right font. There is nothing wrong with originality, but a misplaced or too loud font gives it an unprofessional look.
- Match the colour well to the type of advertising and your own corporate identity. Of course, colour and font also depend on the sector in which you are active. Do your service and advertising focus on children, for example (daycare, toy shop)? Then there is nothing wrong with choosing a playful font and cheerful colours. Estate agents, notaries or law firms, on the other hand, are better off opting for a neutral colour (blue, black) and a classic, serious looking font.
- Make sure you have sufficient resolution. Images or logos with too few pixels will produce blurred results or appear ugly, angular artefacts (pixelation). Preferably use a high-quality and eye-catching photo. Multiple photos on a limited area will soon make the flag (too) messy.
Feather flag design templates
When making a design for your beach flag, you can use our design templates. The templates are easy to download on any product page via the 'templates' tab. You can download the template of your choice by clicking on the model feather flag. In addition, you can indicate whether your flag is printed on the left or right side and should be printed single or double-sided.
Structure and focal points of a design
The templates are made in the well-known and widely used program Adobe Illustrator and provided with various layers such as cutting lines and security lines. Important points of attention when making a good layout are:
- Essential images and texts must always be within the so-called 'safe zone'. Otherwise, they will be completely or partially not visible.
- Use CMYK colour codes instead of RGB.
- Convert texts such as fonts and fixed fonts to letter outlines.
- Choose a 1:1 vector file as formatting. Preferably deliver the designs in Adobe Illustrator. This is a well-known and relatively easy to use a graphics program.
- Make sure that the resolution of the images is large enough to print in 300 dpi on the flag. This ensures optimal sharpness and the best image quality.
- Send a png or jpg file as an example.
Upload of designs/layouts
Do you have the desired design ready? Then you can upload your files during the ordering process. You can also easily upload multiple files and design multiple logos. You pay no additional costs for multiple layouts! It is, therefore, possible to easily order two identical products with different designs. Especially for large files, it is wise to use WeTransfer when sending.
Checking the files
Files uploaded to our server or sent via email or WeTransfer are always carefully checked again by our specialists. We will check whether the files meet our delivery specifications. If errors in the design have been discovered, this is always communicated to the customer. If the files are good enough for printing, we immediately start producing the beach flags.