Delivery without VAT is part of ProFlags BV, and we are a Dutch company. Because we operate internationally, it is possible to receive your products as a foreign customer without Dutch VAT under certain conditions.

Your company needs to have a valid VAT number for international trade. You can enter this VAT number online during the order process. When you select ‘Business’, then a VAT field appears. Fill in the number here exactly as in the example. By clicking on the question mark, you can see the format for a VAT number by country.

For deliveries outside the Netherlands, our tax authorities look at the VAT number and the country where the products are delivered. For delivery without VAT, the following rules apply:

  1. The invoice and delivery address are in the same EU country, and you have a valid VAT number.
  2. If the invoice address is located within the EU and you want to have the goods delivered to another country within the EU (with the exclusion of the Netherlands), then you must enter a valid VAT number for the receiver.
  3. If the invoice address is located outside the EU and you want to have the goods delivered to another country within the EU (with the exclusion of the Netherlands), then you must enter a valid VAT number for the receiver.
  4. If both the invoice address and the delivery address are located in a country outside the EU, then the VAT is not applied (0% delivery). There is an export and then the VAT rate is 0%.


  1. You have a company in Switzerland, and you want to have products delivered in Germany. You must enter a valid VAT number for the German company (receiver). If you do not have a valid VAT number for the receiver, then we are required to charge VAT.
  2. You can also choose to have products delivered in Switzerland. If the invoice and delivery address are both located in Switzerland, then we can deliver without VAT. Do note: the costs for importing the products are borne by the receiver.
  3. You have a company in Germany and want to have products delivered in the Netherlands. We are then required to bill VAT, because the delivery address is located in the Netherlands and we are a Dutch company. You can choose to use the address in Germany as the invoicing and delivery address and to handle the shipping of the products yourself.
  4. You have a company in Canada. Canada lies outside the EU, and you thus receive products free of VAT. Do note: the costs (including import duty) for importing the products are borne by the receiver.

If you do not enter a VAT number for your order, Dutch VAT will automatically be charged. Always check whether you have a valid VAT number. As soon as your invoice has been processed by our tax authorities, we cannot change it. If you then want to recover the VAT, you will have to do this with the tax authorities in your own country.

Format of the VAT numbers by country:

Code Member State Structure Format
AT Austria ATU999999991 1 block of 9 characters
BE Belgium BE09999999992 1 block of 10 digits3
BG Bulgaria BG999999999 1 block of 9 digits
    BG9999999999 1 block of 10 digits
CY Cyprus CY99999999L 1 block of 9 digits
CZ Czech Republic CZ99999999 1 block of 8 digits
    CZ999999999 1 block of 9 digits
    CZ9999999999 1 block of 10 digits
DE Germany DE999999999 1 block of 9 digits
DK Denmark DK99 99 99 99 4 blocks of 2 digits
EE Estonia EE999999999 1 block of 9 digits
EL Greece EL999999999 1 block of 9 digits
ES Spain ESX9999999X4 1 block of 9 characters
FI Finland FI99999999 1 block of 8 digits
FR France FRXX 999999999 1 block of 2 characters and 1 block of 9 digits
GB United Kingdom GB999 9999 99 1 block of 3 digits, 1 block of 4 digits and 1 block of 2 digits
    GB999 9999 99 9995 1 block of 3 digits, 1 block of 4 digits, 1 block of 2 digits and 1 block of 3 digits
    GBGD9996 1 block of 5 characters
    GBHA9997 1 block of 5 characters
HR Croatia HR99999999999 1 block of 11 digits
HU Hungary HU99999999 1 block of 8 digits
IE Ireland IE9S99999L 1 block of 8 characters
IT Italy IT99999999999 1 block of 11 digits
LT Lithuania LT999999999 1 block of 9 digits
    LT999999999999 1 block of 12 digits
LU Luxemburg LU99999999 1 block of 8 digits
LV Latvia LV99999999999 1 block of 11 digits
MT Malta MT99999999 1 block of 8 digits
NL Netherlands NL999999999B998 1 block of 12 characters
PL Poland PL9999999999 1 block of 10 digits
RO Romania RO9999999999 1 block of at least 2 digits and at most 10 digits
SE Sweden SE999999999999 1 block of 12 digits
SI Slovenia SI99999999 1 block of 8 digits
SK Slovakia SK9999999999 1 block of 10 digits


*: Format without country code
9: a digit
X: a letter or digit
S: a letter, digit, + or *
L: a letter

1: The first position after the country code is always the letter U.
2: The first digit after the country code is always the number 0.
3: The 10-digit format is created by adding the number 0 to the 9-digit format.
4: The first and last character can be alphanumeric, but they may not both be alphanumeric.
5: Identifies tax entities.
6: Identifies government agencies.
7: Identifies health care institutions.
8: The 10th position after the country code is always the letter B